(Polski) Cracow Open 2024 – podziękowania
Cracow Open 2024 – main prize
The main prize for the CRACOW OPEN 2024 competition will be a CZ P-10SC pistol, to be collected from Halinka-Arms. The prize will be raffled among all shooters according to the rules set by the MD.
See you at the match!
(Polski) Zawody ZSD VII Memoriał Doktora Marka Zawiślaka
We invite IPSC shooters to the ZSD VII Memorial of Doctor Marek Zawiślak shooting match. The shooting competition will be held on July 14, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Małopolskie Centrum Strzelectwa shooting range in Bochnia. All shooters with valid sport shooting licences are eligible to participate. The competition will be conducted according to the current IPSC and national regulations.
Type of competition: IPSC Level I
- IPSC Level 1 Pistol within the MZSS calendar
- IPSC Level 1 PCC within the MZSS calendar
Date: July 14, 2024
Location: MCS Bochnia Shooting Range, 87 Strzelecka Street, 32-700 Bochnia
Organizer: ZSD Kraków
Match Director (MD): Anatoli Putseyeu
Range Master (RM): Wiesław Burzec
Scoring Office Directors (SO): Zbigniew Szuba, Jarosław Mila
Number of stages: 7
Number of shots: 130
Entry fee for one event: 250 PLN
Participants can compete in two events — registration must be completed again for each type of firearm. Cash payments are not accepted.
Please transfer the entry fee to the ZSD Kraków account:
Account Number: PLN – 91 1020 2892 0000 5702 0887 7369, PKOBP Branch 1 in Kraków
Transfer title: First name and last name, Memoriał Doktorka
Registration: https://practiscore.com/vii-memorial-dr-marka-zawislaka-1/register
Creating an account and registering on Practiscore is free of charge.
- 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Arrival and registration confirmation for ROs and helpers
- 10:00 AM: PRE-MATCH – shooting for squads 7-9
- 11:00 AM: Arrival and registration confirmation for participants
- 12:00 PM: Main match, shooting for squads 1-6
- Approximately 4:00 PM: Announcement of results and closing ceremony
See you on stages!
(Polski) Zebranie Walne Sprawozdawcze