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(Polski) Zawody Dynamiczne 5
Incorsa Cup 2021 – Invitation
Dear fellow shooters,
Here we invite you to participate in the Incorsa Cup 2021 Level III match.
Registration starts 29th of April at 12.00 o’clock, ends on 30th of May at 12.00 o’clock.
Registration LINK
If you would like to apply as a RO, please check suitable box in registration form or send us an email to
ic2021@zsdkrakow.pl. You will be placed in prematch squad then.
We would like to ask all teams to register before 30th of May via email to ic2021@zsdkrakow.pl.
That will help us prepare team awards in advance.
Detailed information you will find on dedicated website: http://www.zsdkrakow.pl/incorsacup2021/
or you can simply click match’s logotype, on the right side here, up.
Official invitation for foreign shooters – please, email request to ic2021@zsdkrakow.pl
You will receive official, signed invitation in PDF file.
Best Regards
ZSD Kraków
(Polski) Szkolenie karabinowe 11.4.2021