Cracow Open 2021 – verifications and first results
Dear Shooters,
Thank you for participation in the match. Below you will find verifications and pre-results. Revolver = PCC
Office CO2021
Dear Shooters,
Thank you for participation in the match. Below you will find verifications and pre-results. Revolver = PCC
Office CO2021
Zapraszamy na zawody:
Typ zawodów: IPSC Level I
Data: 14.07.2021, początek g. 15.30, pierwsze strzały 16.00
Konkurencje, w ramach kalendarza MZSS
1. IPSC level 1 pistolet w ramach
2. IPSC level 1 karabin PCC (karabin na nabój pistoletowy)
Organizator: ZSD Kraków i Big Gun
Miejsce: Strzelnica Big Gun, Kraków, ul. Winnicka 52
MD: Robert Miklaszewski
RM: Adam Włoczewski
Liczba uczestników: do 30
Liczba torów: 3 dla pistolet/PCC
Liczba strzałów: ok. 68 pistoletowych
Rejestracja telefonicznie na nr 501 850 820
Jeśli chcesz strzelać 2 dyscypliny, powiedz przy rejestracji. Zawsze podaj swój klub.
Opłata startowa: 100 PLN dla pistolet i 100 PLN karabin
Należy zapłacić na miejscu.
Obowiązują wytyczne MZ dotyczące epidemii Covid-19. Zapraszamy.
Here we invite you to participate in the Cracow Open 2021 Level III match.
If you would like to apply as a RO, please check suitable box in registration form or send us an email to You will be placed in prematch squad then.
We would like to ask all teams to register before 26th of July via email to
That will help us prepare team awards in advance.
Those shooters, who wants to take part in a handgun match and then PCC match, have to register and pay twice under
a mandatory condition – first registration is in Saturday match squad and second one in Sunday match squad. Note: Match Director has a right to move competitors between squads to ensure that all PCC shooters shoot together.
Match will take place on 6-8th August 2021 at shooting range in Przyszowice, Poland, link: Strzelnica Target Alfa Silesia
Regarding rising epidemic threat due to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), organizer demands participants to follow actual rules of Polish Ministry of Health (MZ) and Main Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) in scope of use of individual means of personal protection.
Details of match: or click match’s icon on right upper side.
ZSD Kraków